
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Smokin' Hot: A Complete Fashion Disaster

Dear Readers,
I am lucky to belong to an amazing Facebook group called Generation Fabulous, GenFab, or #GenFab, for short. And this week, I'm participating in this group's third blog hop! Our assignment is to write about our worst fashion mistake. 

No matter your generation, we've all had them! The 50's poodle skirts, the 60's saddle shoes, the 70's hip huggers, the 80's big hair! Each generation has had their fair share of bad hair and fashion disasters! Read on and enjoy!  


My worst fashion mistake. 
Of course, you see it NOW.

But back THEN, in 1989, at the time this picture was taken, mother might have told you it was the hair hanging in my eyes.  
(She was a smoker) former hairdresser might have said it's the stringy long hair.  
(She was a smoker) boyfriend would have mentioned the excessive black eyeliner.  
(He was a smoker)

...and of course, my dermatologist would remind me that I need to spend a lot less time in the sun. 
(You know, he might have had a point there!)

But today, you and I know what it is.  

It's that nasty cigarette dangling in my hand.

Let's face it, a cigarette is not exactly an attractive fashion accessory. But apparently I thought it was at the time.

That cigarette, and many others, caused discolored teeth, premature wrinkling, and at one time, excessive coughing, chronic colds and upper respiratory infections.  

Not to mention occasional burn marks in my clothes, smelling like an ashtray, and a direct hit to my disposable income due to the cost per pack of those ridiculous things.

Talk about a fashion nightmare! 

HBO even made a point of showing how unflattering a cigarette looks on the ultra chic and fashion forward Ms. Carrie Bradshaw in many episodes of Sex and the City.
Photo Source: Tumbler


Smokin' hot - it's not!

The best thing I ever did, THE BEST THING EVER, is quit.

Don't let Carrie Bradshaw's...and my... fashion faux pas, be yours.  

If you smoke, STOP NOW!

Because honestly, 
it should never have been "in" fashion.


You really do want to read the rest of the GenFab members' fashion hazard posts, which you’ll find listed below.

*NOTE: *You must be a member of  the GenerationFabulous group to participate with a fashion entry in this BlogHop. If you are interested in joining contact HERE for more information.

And please, share YOUR fashion nightmares in my comment section below!


  1. Oh,I loved reading this! Smoking is the worst. I'm so glad you gave it up.

    1. Over 20 years now! The hardest, but most worthwhile, thing I've ever done!

    2. My dear mother-in-law tried so hard to quit, but never could. She died after a house fire she started with a cigarette.

    3. Oh Anne, I am so sorry. How tragic and sad.

  2. Love your post! Glad you quit! TV always showed people smoking when I was a kid.

    1. Yes, I remember! Now, they usually show only the bad guys as the smokers.... with the exception of our Ms. Bradshaw.

      I always thought that was a bad story line for her, because so many young women were trying to emulate her.

  3. This was terrific!! I have a picture of me on my wedding day, in my wedding dress, holding a disgusting cigarette. I can't believe how sexy I thought smoking was. And you are so right, it's not sexy to smell like an ashtray, coughing and sputtering like old bellows.

    I'm glad you quit. I wish younger women would deign to pay attention to our wisdom. We have a lot, don't we?

    1. What were we thinking???
      And you are so right...the generation behind us needs to learn from our mistakes!

  4. Such an important piece. Congrats on getting rid of that "accessory."

  5. Yes smoking is nasty. Remember when it was commonplace everywhere-restaurants, the office, airplanes? Years ago I even remember people smoking in hospitals. Non smokers just dealt with it. Can you imagine what would happen if someone tried that today?

    With all the negative publicity I'm always surprised to see young people smoking today. Once addicted it's hard to quit. Congrats to you for kicking that habit!

    1. Thanks! I remember smoking in the grocery store and bank! Crazy to think of someone doing that now!

  6. Both of my parents smoked but fortunately for me, I never did. Right around the time I was a teenager, I remember the Surgeon General putting a warning on the cigarette packs. I took it to heart and began nagging my mother to quit (by then I was only living with mom). She did (probably not because of my nagging, I'm sure... but she quit none the less). By the time I went to college and was living with my dad, he had quit. I, like you, find it a major faux-pas in a sexy look. Honestly Bonnie, I had no idea of that about you and I just can't picture it. Even with the old photograph from way back when. Congrats on a task that was probably hell to do...

    1. Cindy, you are so fortunate that you did not follow your parent's bad habits! Both my mom and dad smoked, but my dad stopped the day I was born!

      So glad I finally quit! It was hard, but the best thing I've ever done for myself!

  7. So glad I was allergic to cigarettes, which saved me a lot of future problems! -LLC

    1. So true! Wish I had found something to dislike before I started.

  8. I grew up in an all-smoking household that did not believe in opening windows. Ever. When I think back on it, I realize I probably smelled like an ashtray my entire childhood and teens. I think that is the least attractive thing about smoking - that lingering smell.

    1. I agree. There are still a few public places that allow it, and when I come home from them, I have to get the smell off me. I can even smell it in my hair - straight to the shower I go!

  9. Excellent piece. My mother smoked and quit while I was a kid which was very helpful in making sure that I never started.

    1. You mother set a good precedent for you! I applaud her!

  10. Whatever were we thinking? I smoked in the 80s, too; my poison of choice was Benson & Hedges Deluxe UltraLights because the gold box with its insignia was so elegant looking. I'm sure my lungs didn't look quite as elegant at the time. So glad that you quit! (And glad that I did as well.) Really smart direction to take this post! May everyone reading it who still lights up STOP as a result.

    1. I really did think of them as a fashion accessory and would buy disposable lighters in colors to match my outfits. Crazy!

  11. What a great spin on a fashion faux pas! And you are right - a cigarette is never in style (unless you are Audrey Hepburn - but maybe not even then....)

    1. Yup, Audrey could rock the cigarette. But look how they effected her!

  12. Oh, you are so right! Both our parents were heavy smokers, and I'm sure it contributed to their very early deaths. Not to mention that it completely destroyed our mother's beautiful face, her teeth, everything.

    Cigarettes aren't in style now, and they never should have been in the first place. Thanks for saying it.


    1. I agree. I cringe when I see pictures of me holding one. Not attractive at all!

  13. My husband smoked for 15 years and finally gave it up cold turkey. I wish a million teenage girls could read your blog and understand that smoking does NOT look cool.

    1. Thank you Donna! Me too. If only I'd known then, what I know now!

  14. What a terrific post. SO important. As I saw the image and began reading I immediately thought of that iconic episode of SATC, and the fact that HBO included subsequent episodes in which the non-smoking three all agreed that Carrie's habit was terrible and they only put up with it because they loved her.

    Of course, those of us who love smokers try to convince them to stop. But as with any addiction or addictive behavior, we have to stop on our own.

    But reminders - especially that act as a mirror?

    Always worthwhile. Thank you for sharing this one with us.

    1. Stopping was the hardest thing I ever did...started by going to a hypnotist, and took the smoke suppressant Zyban.

      I was always upset that SATC featured Carrie as a smoker. Too many young women were influenced by her...and she made it seem like a cute little bad habit.

  15. Kudos for quitting. Oh, it's so hard to quit. I love several people who do smoke or have smoked. It's so addicting. Hooray to those of you who have quit, and much love to those who still smoke. May you find a path and a support system to help you quit. It's never to late to reap the benefits of quitting. I volunteer at a skilled nursing center every week, and I watch many of the resident wrestle with serious respiratory problems caused or exasperated by their long-term smoking habits. Young people: don't even start!

  16. I just wanted to let you all know that I really enjoyed reading these posts! It was quite inspiring, mostly because of your willingness and confidence to share them. (-:

    1. Thanks Natasha! On behalf of all of us at GenFab - remember to heed our advice!
      Don't make the same mistakes we did!

  17. So glad you quit! My mom quit six years ago after she was diagnosed with colon cancer.

    1. That is so good to hear. I hope she is recovering. Quitting smoking was so hard to do.

      The trick is to never start. So important that we get the word out. Today, smoking is still considered "cool" in some circles. We need to change that!

  18. You are hot now baby, minus the cigarette, of course. Awesome!

  19. That's a really good point! It doesn't matter WHAT you wear if you are silently killing yourself while wearing it.

    1. It still saddens me that in some cultures smoking is still very popular. If only we'd known then, what we know now.

  20. Like your take on smoking as "fashion." Absolutely on target.

  21. I was never particularly into all these ads of smoking and stuff but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. Sometimes it's for the good but most of the time it's just for publicity. A lot of people are still not into these things which is fairly understandable.
